17 سبتمبر 2024
11 الشهر منذ
Bulgaria slaps EUR10/MW fee on Russian gas transit through the TurkStream pipeline. Hungary's FM Szijjarto slams Sofia from Moscow. Vucic says he'll call President Radev (who's in opposition against the government which adopted the measure)
11 الشهر منذ
Chief of the Gaza energy authority: The power plant in Gaza will cease operations entirely at 14:00 (1100z)
11 الشهر منذ
مصادر فلسطينية: محطة توليد الكهرباء في قطاع غزة ستتوقف عن العمل خلال ساعات بسبب نقص الوقود
11 الشهر منذ
Kaja Kallas: I called @jensstoltenberg to brief him on the incidents related to Balticconnector and a submarine communications cable between Estonia and Finland.We discussed how to increase the protection of critical infrastructure in light of this.We agreed to remain in close contact
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وزير الطاقة الإسرائيلي: "شيفرون" علقت "صادرات الغاز الطبيعي من إسرائيل عبر خط أنابيب لمصر وتستخدم خطا بديلا عبر الأردن
11 الشهر منذ
The foreign minister of Finland will brief EU colleagues about the sabotage on the Balticconnector this afternoon
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Finnish prime minister first comments (presser to follow at 17:30 Finnish time):- gas pipeline damage in Finland's exclusive economic zone;- data cable damage in Estonia´s exclusive economic zone; - Nato allies and EU partners kept in the loop
Jens Stoltenberg: Spoke with President Sauli @niinisto on damage to undersea infrastructure between Estonia & Finland. NATO is sharing information & stands ready to support Allies concerned
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Finnish president: "It's likely that both the pipeline and data cable damages are results of outside activity. Cause not yet established, joint Finnish-Estonian investigation ongoing."
Finnish national broadcaster YLE referring to it's sources: seems balticconnector leak was not an accident. Navy Mine countermeasures vessel MHC Purunpää and Border Guard offshore patrol vessel Turva on site. Finnish gov to hold presser today11 الشهر منذ
Finnish national broadcaster YLE referring to it's sources: seems #balticconnector leak was not an accident. Navy Mine countermeasures vessel MHC Purunpää and Border Guard offshore patrol vessel Turva on site. Finnish gov to hold presser today
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Finland gas pipeline leak probe proceeding on premise of potential sabotage, according to people familiar with the matter - Bloomberg
Reuters: Finland’s Gasgrid & Estonia’s Elering state survey work will begin soon after sudden drop in pressure of Balticconnector natural gas pipeline spanning Gulf of Finland yesterday, suggesting a leak.  Elering affirms that no cause “including sabotage” can be ruled out for the time being11 الشهر منذ
Reuters: Finland’s Gasgrid & Estonia’s Elering state survey work will begin soon after sudden drop in pressure of Balticconnector natural gas pipeline spanning Gulf of Finland yesterday, suggesting a leak. Elering affirms that no cause “including sabotage” can be ruled out for the time being
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Israel has ordered Chevron to shut down natural-gas production at one of the two major offshore platforms it operates in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea amid the conflict that has left hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza
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Energy Minister Katz: I ordered to immediately cut off the water supply from Israel to Gaza
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RSF Paramilitary forces battling the army in Sudan on Friday seized a strategic oil pumping station east of the capital Khartoum, witnesses said
Confirmed: Metrics show a decline in internet connectivity in the Tel Aviv district, Israel, as Palestine's Hamas launches 'unprecedented' attack on the territory which it considers to be occupied; missiles have targeted sites including Rutenberg power station in Ashkelon
11 الشهر منذ
Putin, together with Tokayev and Mirziyoyev, is participating in the opening of the transit of Russian gas to Uzbekistan through the territory of Kazakhstan
Israel's second largest power plant, Rutenberg Power Station, came under rocket fire on the Mediterranean coast in Ashkelon11 الشهر منذ
Israel's second largest power plant, Rutenberg Power Station, came under rocket fire on the Mediterranean coast in Ashkelon
11 الشهر منذ
بعد الاجتماع مع وزير الطاقة الروسي نوفاك تنصح شركات الوقود بالإبقاء على الأسعار في محطات الوقود عند مستوى 21 سبتمبر
WTI settled near $82/bbl, dropped 13.5% in only 6 trading days. That followed a plunge in gasoline futures after data showed stockpiles swelled in US11 الشهر منذ
WTI settled near $82/bbl, dropped 13.5% in only 6 trading days. That followed a plunge in gasoline futures after data showed stockpiles swelled in US
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انقطاع الكهرباء عن مدينة إدلب من جراء قصف النظام للمحطة الرئيسية غربي المدينة
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وزير الطاقة التركي: خط أنابيب العراق وتركيا سيعمل اعتبارا من الأربعاء من دون عوائق أمام شحن النفط إلى الأسواق
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In Syktyvkar, unknown persons tried to set fire to a building belonging to the local airport. It contains a transformer substation, radio beacon control units and an electrical panel
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استهدف الانفجار مبنى الإدارة في ريلسك بمنطقة كورسك، كما هاجمت طائرات بدون طيار محطات فرعية في غلوشكوفو وسودجا.
وزير نفط الكويت لوكالة الأنباء الرسمية: أسواق النفط تسير بالاتجاه الصحيح من خلال تحقيق التوازن بين العرض والطلب
11 الشهر منذ
ارتفع سعر الوقود بنسبة 6% في سان بطرسبرغ على الرغم من جهود الحكومة الروسية والقيود
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India energy minister: oil prices need to go down
Iran's Interior Minister says the country’s current non-oil exports exceed $50 billion11 الشهر منذ
Iran's Interior Minister says the country’s current non-oil exports exceed $50 billion
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بوتين يقول في اجتماع الحكومة إنه على الرغم من الجهود المبذولة فإن أسعار الوقود تستمر في الارتفاع، ولهذا السبب يجب أولاً توفير البنزين للسوق المحلية، ثم تصديره
11 الشهر منذ
The Russian government proposes to introduce a protective duty on the export of petroleum products in the amount of 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles per ton - minister Novak