30 Januar 2025
.@TheJusticeDept announced Friday the successful disruption of a multimillion-dollar shipment of crude oil by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that was bound for another country, after seizure of over 980,000 barrels of crude oil carried by Suez Rajan
1 Jahr zuvor
Im Bezirk Tichwin in der Region Leningrad kam es zu einer Druckentlastung der Gaspipeline
1 Jahr zuvor
Der erste Block des Kernkraftwerks Akkuyu in der Türkei soll nächstes Jahr in Betrieb genommen werden, es bestehen Aussichten auf eine Entwicklung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Ländern in diesem Bereich - Putin
1 Jahr zuvor
Der russische Sicherheitsdienst hat C4-Sprengstoff an einer Stromleitung in der Region Kaluga gefunden
1 Jahr zuvor
Nach Angaben der örtlichen Behörden brannte es in einem verlassenen Gebäude in Kurtschatow, nachdem die Luftverteidigung eine mutmaßliche Drohne abgeschossen hatte
1 Jahr zuvor
Großbrand im Ruchyi-Öldepot in St. Petersburg
Strong electrical drop is recorded in the central region of Venezuela and the capital Caracas
An emergency power outage occurred in Krasnodar in the Western District. The cause was damage to power lines and 6 transformers
St. John Parish President Jaclyn Hoard has issued an Emergency Declaration and a Mandatory Evacuation for all residents within a two-mile radius of the Marathon Petroleum Garyville Refinery.1 Jahr zuvor
St. John Parish President Jaclyn Hoard has issued an Emergency Declaration and a Mandatory Evacuation for all residents within a two-mile radius of the Marathon Petroleum Garyville Refinery.
1 Jahr zuvor
State Police gave an update on a fire at a Marathon refinery in Garyville. Residents in a two-mile radius are now being made to evacuate
Massive fire burning at the Marathon Plant in Garyville. Marathon Petroleum personnel and local emergency responders are currently responding to a naphtha release and fire at a storage tank at the company's Louisiana, refinery1 Jahr zuvor
Massive fire burning at the Marathon Plant in Garyville. Marathon Petroleum personnel and local emergency responders are currently responding to a naphtha release and fire at a storage tank at the company's Louisiana, refinery
Another view of the fire at the Marathon Refinery in Garyville1 Jahr zuvor
Another view of the fire at the Marathon Refinery in Garyville
Video from the Marathon Petroleum refinery in Garyville showing a massive fire where there is reported to be a chemical leak. Fox 8 is sending crews to the location.1 Jahr zuvor
Video from the Marathon Petroleum refinery in Garyville showing a massive fire where there is reported to be a chemical leak. Fox 8 is sending crews to the location.
Israeli Energy Minister: Israel increases its gas exports to Egypt
Die russischen Besatzungsbehörden auf der Krim forderten Hotels und andere Unternehmen auf, Lebensmittel- und Treibstoffvorräte zu melden1 Jahr zuvor
Die russischen Besatzungsbehörden auf der Krim forderten Hotels und andere Unternehmen auf, Lebensmittel- und Treibstoffvorräte zu melden
MarineTraffic has received eye-witness report from the SuezCanal that 2 tankers have collided. The reported incident involves the Burri, a Cayman island tanker, and the BW Lesmes, a Singapore flagged LNG tanker1 Jahr zuvor
MarineTraffic has received eye-witness report from the SuezCanal that 2 tankers have collided. The reported incident involves the Burri, a Cayman island tanker, and the BW Lesmes, a Singapore flagged LNG tanker
Iraqi Foreign Minister: The Turkish Foreign Minister suggested forming a permanent committee to discuss the water file between the two countries
1 Jahr zuvor
Russische Su-30 zerstörten ein Aufklärungsboot der Streitkräfte der Ukraine in der Nähe von Gasproduktionsanlagen im Schwarzen Meer, berichtete das russische Verteidigungsministerium
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU
1 Jahr zuvor
Teilweiser Stromausfall im Süden der Krim, nachdem ein Baum auf einer Stromleitung eingestürzt war
1 Jahr zuvor
Norwegian oil company DNO has partly resumed production at its Tawke field in Kurdistan Region following months of stoppage, the European company announced on Thursday
1 Jahr zuvor
Power Crisis Grips Lebanon: Nationwide Blackout as Thermal Power Plants Shut Down Over DebtsnnLebanon is grappling with a severe electricity crisis as the country plunged into darkness following the shutdown of two thermal power plants, Deir Ammar and Zahrani. The operator of these plants made the difficult decision to turn off the power due to non-payment of debts in foreign currency. The consequences are dire, with water pumping stations and vital infrastructure facilities also affected, leaving the nation in a state of widespread disruption and uncertainty
Großbrand in der Nähe von Anapa
1 Jahr zuvor
Big fire at Vostochnaya substation in Vsevolzhsk of Leningrad region
1 Jahr zuvor
Two explosions occurred at the Talinskoye oil field in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. According to preliminary data, at least 2 people died and 5 were injured. Emergency services are looking for two more.
1 Jahr zuvor
Retter löschten einen Fackelbrand aus dem Ventil einer Benzinproduktionsanlage auf dem Gelände der Mozyr Oil Refinery OJSC in der Stadt Mozyr in der Region Gomel
Das Kernkraftwerk Saporischschja verlor über Nacht die Hauptstromquelle und wurde auf Reservestromleitung umgestellt
Protest gegen Stromausfälle in Machachkala
30 thousand people were left without electricity in Derbent due to a fire at a substation
1 Jahr zuvor
Großbrand in Wohnhaus in Kurtschatow