8 月 前 两架无人机今晚袭击了沃罗涅日地区的沃罗涅日石油精炼厂
Gas production set to resume midnight at the Khor Mor gas field, days after it went out of service due to a deadly drone attack - Official source tell Rudaw
8 月 前 Major CyberAttack Alert Italy / Libya: Mellitah Oil & Gas, the Libyan branch of Eni and other Eni business units allegedly compromised by RansomHub ransomware group. "Mellitah Oil & Gas / Enigas Ly (Eni Electricity, Oil & Gas) and other Eni business units are hacked. All confidential data of the company and its customers are stolen," the hacking group states
8 月 前 乌克兰能源公司DTEK称4座DTEK发电站夜间遭俄罗斯袭击,造成人员伤亡和财产损失
克拉斯诺达尔边疆区州长称,一夜之间该地区有 10 多架无人机被电子战手段拦截
8 月 前 俄罗斯石油公司位于斯摩棱斯克州的油库隔夜发生火灾和爆炸
The United States will reimpose sanctions on Venezuela’s oil and gas sector in response to the Maduro government’s failure to allow “an inclusive and competitive election” to take place
The United Nations nuclear watchdog chief said on Monday he is concerned about Israel possibly targeting Iranian nuclear facilities, but that International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections of Iranian facilities would resume on Tuesday
9 月 前 北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格站在乌克兰一边(可能反对美国),称基辅有权确定"合法"目标,以抵御俄罗斯的非法侵略
卢克石油公司报告称,伏尔加格勒炼油厂的加工装置在 2 月 4 日遭到无人机袭击后已重新启动。下诺夫哥罗德炼油厂的装置将于第二季度重新启动
9 月 前 Iran's nuclear chief said that the country will host its first international nuclear energy conference in May in Isfahan
国际原子能机构专家今天证实,无人机袭击了赞比亚核电站,包括 6 座反应堆中的 1 座。据报道有一人受伤。6 号机组的损坏并未危及核安全,但这是一起严重事件,有可能破坏反应堆安全壳系统的完整性
9 月 前 俄罗斯占领当局声称无人机袭击了扎波罗热核电站,没有造成损失