6 月 2025
4 月 前
由于俄罗斯的炮击,扎波罗热火电厂至费罗斯帕夫纳变电站的外部电力线 PL-330kV 受损
4 月 前
在高加索港沉没的渡轮上的 17 名船员已获救,救援人员正在寻找另外 2 名
4 月 前
燃烧的渡轮Conro Trader在Kavkaz港口 - 近距离视频4 月 前
燃烧的渡轮"Conro Trader"在"Kavkaz"港口 - 近距离视频
康罗商船渡轮在高加索港口发生燃油爆炸的瞬间画面4 月 前
满载燃料的渡轮在塔曼半岛高加索港遭导弹袭击4 月 前
高加索港口发生大火 疑似遭导弹袭击4 月 前
高加索港口发生大火 疑似遭导弹袭击
路透社:国际原子能机构负责人将于 8 月底访问库尔斯克核电站
Fuel shortage hits several cities in Libya.. and queues of cars at stations - Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah directs the rapid opening of closed stations and work around the clock
The Lebanese Minister of Energy: On Saturday, a shipment of fuel is expected to arrive in Beirut - which will provide 6 hours of electricity a day
China approves 5 new nuclear power projects in a move that will cut domestic coal consumption and reduce CO2 emissions. The announcement came after China set new guidelines to accelerate its energy transition and decarbonisation goals last week
俄罗斯袭击后捷尔诺波尔发生大火4 月 前
罗斯托夫州普罗列塔尔斯克市宣布进入紧急状态,油库连续第二天燃烧,至少 18 人因二次爆炸受伤
4 月 前
无人机袭击变电站导致第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克州发生火灾。救援人员在现场第二次袭击中受伤 - 能源部
Power outage in Lebanon
4 月 前
Lebanon power co.: Plant shutdown due to depleted energy reserve; - Lebanon power co. shuts down last remaining unit of power plant
Massive blackout in Primorye began after a short circuit at the Primorskaya GRES in Luchegorsk
Moldova seeks investment for wind, solar plants with first tender, pushing to reduce its reliance on Russian energy
The Khasansky and Nadezhdinsky districts of Primorsky Krai remain completely disconnected from power supply, and five more remain partially disconnected, - the regional Ministry of Energy reported.
4 月 前
Hungary relaxed regulations governing its sole nuclear power plant, giving it the option to operate at full capacity even if the cooling water released back into the Danube river exceeds temperature limits
Vladivostok and almost all of Primorye were left without power during a training exercise to work out an emergency situation related to an emergency shutdown of a high-voltage power line
4 月 前
Libya's Waha oil company loses 115,000 bpd due to pipeline maintenance, source says
Russia extends ban on gasoline exports until end-2024, Interfax reports
China has announced new guidelines to accelerate the country's energy transition and achieve its decarbonisation goals