9 三八 2025
Reuters: US administration asks Iraq to resume Kurdish oil exports quickly or face sanctions alongside Iran
2 週 前
Monterey County residents near Moss Landing were told late Tuesday to close their windows and doors overnight after a fire broke out at the Vistra Energy lithium-ion battery storage facility
塞兹兰炼油厂持续起火2 週 前
无人机袭击了锡兹兰的炼油厂2 週 前
无人机袭击导致锡兹兰炼油厂发生火灾2 週 前
Large quantities of fuel arrive at the power plant in the center of the Gaza Strip2 週 前
Large quantities of fuel arrive at the power plant in the center of the Gaza Strip
Saudi Foreign Minister Meets US Counterpart in Riyadh
阿斯特拉:2 月 15 日,无人机袭击了化工企业 AO Kaustik 和卢克石油-伏尔加格勒炼油厂2 週 前
阿斯特拉:2 月 15 日,无人机袭击了化工企业 AO Kaustik 和卢克石油-伏尔加格勒炼油厂
The Kurdistan Region's oil exports could resume before March as "all legal procedures have been completed" - KRG natural resources minister tells Rudaw
BP announces start of production from second phase of Raven gas field development in Egypt's Mediterranean Sea
U.S. President Donald J. Trump is signing two executive orders now. One order is to end the Covid-19 Vaccine mandate for schools and the other will establish the Energy Dominance Council led by the energy and interior secretaries Chris Wright and Doug Burgum
泽连斯基:乌克兰准备放弃拥有 300 亿立方米天然气的能源枢纽,转而使用美国液化天然气
德涅斯特河沿岸现在通过匈牙利和摩尔多瓦获得俄罗斯天然气,这些天然气由俄罗斯贷款支付。2 月 14 日,这个未被承认的地区改变了供应路线:天然气通过一家匈牙利公司通过摩尔多瓦天然气公司输送,该公司由莫斯科资助。德涅斯特河沿岸领导人瓦迪姆·克拉斯诺谢尔斯基感谢俄罗斯"在困难的能源形势下给予的支持
俄罗斯无人机袭击导致切尔诺贝利 4 号机组封闭结构受损3 週 前
俄罗斯无人机袭击导致切尔诺贝利 4 号机组封闭结构受损
国际原子能机构称,一架无人机撞上乌克兰前切尔诺贝利核电站的屋顶,导致起火。它补充说,辐射水平保持正常3 週 前
3 週 前
OPEC expects oil supply to increase from the United States, Canada and Brazil in 2025
Negotiations on natural gas trade between Turkey and Turkmenistan, which began in 1998, have come to a conclusion after 27 years. An agreement was reached on the supply of Turkmen gas to Turkey. The agreement is planned to start deliveries as of March 1, 2025.3 週 前
Negotiations on natural gas trade between Turkey and Turkmenistan, which began in 1998, have come to a conclusion after 27 years. An agreement was reached on the supply of Turkmen gas to Turkey. The agreement is planned to start deliveries as of March 1, 2025.
乌克兰天然气和石油公司 Naftogaz 证实,波尔塔瓦地区的天然气开采设施遭到导弹袭击
无人机袭击导致萨拉托夫炼油厂发生火灾3 週 前
萨拉托夫遭无人机袭击3 週 前
The Transnistrian region rejects the new EU aid (60 million euros) and resumes gas imports from Europe via Hungarian traders (MET Gas and Energy Marketing AG). Moldova will not prevent gas imports to the breakaway region
Network data show a disruption to internet connectivity in Sri Lanka corresponding to major a power outage.The incident is attributed to a monkey coming into contact with the grid transformer at the Panadura substation per Energy Minister Jayakody
@EU_Commission 主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩:今天我们将波罗的海国家接入欧洲大陆电网。我们正在切断与俄罗斯的最后联系。终于摆脱了威胁和勒索。这是历史性的一天