Lebanese PM Mikati in Baghdad to hold talks over fuel delivery
5 月 前 夜间,罗斯托夫地区发生大规模无人机袭击。当地政府声称有 26 架无人机被击落。当地报道称,"米勒罗沃"军用机场附近发生无人机起火事件。不仅在机场附近,而且在俄罗斯的一个油库附近也听到了爆炸声
The Kremlin: Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince stressed the importance of continuing cooperation within the framework of the OPEC alliance to ensure the stability of the energy market
Elering, AST, and Litgrid, electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) of the Baltic states, have notified Russian and Belarusian operators on the non-extension of the BRELL agreement, which is bound to expire in February of 2025. At that time, the three Baltic states will decouple from Russian and Belarusian grids to join the Continental Europe Synchronous Area.
Bloomberg: Investors are interested in PDVSA bonds as presidential elections approach
由于罗斯托夫核电站发电设备运行故障,俄罗斯南部电力系统被要求限制 1.5 吉瓦的能源消耗 - 能源部
Serbia government greenlights disputed lithium mining project: statement
An emergency shutdown in Buryatia occurred at the power unit of the Gusinoozerskaya State District Power Plant; there are restrictions on the supply of electricity in the Transbaikalia power system. A power outage occurred in a number of microdistricts of Ulan-Ude in Buryatia
5 月 前 Saipem is progressing its pipelay activities on state-owned Turkish Petroleum's $3.6 billion Sakarya gas project in the Black Sea. Castoro 10 lay barge was towed thru Bosphorus en route to offshore Filyos
6 月 前 无人机袭击了罗斯托夫地区尤迪诺的罗斯托夫斯卡变电站,导致至少两台变压器烧毁。
Putin meeting Modi in Moscow: Russia and India are discussing the construction of six more high-power nuclear power plant units at the new site, as well as low-power nuclear plants
6 月 前 俄国防部称,共有38架无人机被击落,其中罗斯托夫地区21架,库尔斯克地区7架,阿斯特拉罕地区5架,别尔哥罗德地区3架,沃罗涅日地区2架
6 月 前 保加利亚空军基地视频— 保加利亚空军基地和卡拉马祖地区其他基地。财政部。阿塔卡斯尔帕特里克帕特里克是贝尔法斯特市的一名独立官员,他是一位经验丰富的记者。没人能想象这一切。
The Texas energy industry was evaluating the impact from Hurricane Beryl on Monday after the powerful storm lashed the U.S. Gulf Coast, closing key shipping ports and hitting the oil refining and production sectors
6 月 前 图斯克:波兰准备将燃煤火力发电厂的电力输送到乌克兰
基辅 Holosiyivskyi 和 Shevchenkovskyi 地区的三座 DTEK 变电站被摧毁或损坏。电网也遭到破坏