7 三八 2025
匈牙利外交部长西亚尔托已抵达俄罗斯圣彼得堡确保能源供应6 月 前
Major nationwide blackout leaves Venezuela without electricity: We can observe the drop in internet connectivity in all states of the country. At the national level, connectivity fell to 27% of the normal value.
Power outage: citizens report power outages in Caracas and other regions of the country
6 月 前
6 月 前
IAEA: Iran has not provided an explanation for finding uranium traces at undeclared sites
卡缅斯克附近油库的火灾重演了普罗列塔尔斯克的情况。泡沫不足,火势无法扑灭。市政府已实施高度警戒制度。6 月 前
6 月 前
Libya: oil production at Waha oil field said to have fallen to 150kbpd (capacity is 300kbpd)
6 月 前
Ethiopia doubles electricity production at its Blue Nile mega-dam
罗斯托夫州卡缅斯克-沙赫京斯基附近油库第四水库发生火灾6 月 前
EUNAVFOR ASPIDES, an EU military operation in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf: The M/V SOUNION has been on fire since August 23rd. EUNAVFOR ASPIDES operating assets in the area have reported that there are fires detected in several locations on the main deck of the vessel. There’s no oil spill, and the ship is still anchored and not drifting. All passing vessels in the vicinity are required to proceed with utmost caution, as the M/V SOUNION poses both a navigational risk and a serious and imminent threat of regional pollution. To avert a catastrophic environmental crisis, EU NAVAL FORCES ASPIDES, in coordination with European authorities, is assessing the situation and stands ready to facilitate any courses of action. Successful mitigation will require close coordination and active participation of regional states6 月 前
EUNAVFOR ASPIDES, an EU military operation in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf: The M/V SOUNION has been on fire since August 23rd. EUNAVFOR ASPIDES operating assets in the area have reported that there are fires detected in several locations on the main deck of the vessel. There’s no oil spill, and the ship is still anchored and not drifting. All passing vessels in the vicinity are required to proceed with utmost caution, as the M/V SOUNION poses both a navigational risk and a serious and imminent threat of regional pollution. To avert a catastrophic environmental crisis, EU NAVAL FORCES ASPIDES, in coordination with European authorities, is assessing the situation and stands ready to facilitate any courses of action. Successful mitigation will require close coordination and active participation of regional states
Dabaiba: We stress the danger of closing oil fields in Libya and demand that those responsible be punished
6 月 前
梁赞火力发电站发生爆炸后起火6 月 前
6 月 前
当地政府称,5 架无人机袭击了基洛夫州科捷利尼奇市一家危险的 Vyatka 企业,小火已被控制住
6 月 前
基洛夫州科捷尔尼奇油库冒出浓烟6 月 前
6 月 前
6 月 前
6 月 前
The Israeli army shoots at an electrical transformer feeding Jenin camp, causing a power outage
俄罗斯国家储备企业阿特拉斯石油库遭无人机袭击 罗斯托夫州卡缅斯克-沙赫廷斯基附近起火6 月 前
俄罗斯国家储备企业"阿特拉斯"石油库遭无人机袭击 罗斯托夫州卡缅斯克-沙赫廷斯基附近起火
罗斯托夫州卡缅斯克-沙赫京斯基油库遭无人机袭击起火6 月 前
罗斯托夫州州长报告称凌晨 3 点左右有 4 架无人机被击落
Nicolas Maduro appoints Delcy Rodriguez as the new Minister of Oil and Hector Obregon as the new president of PDVSA
网络数据显示,在被占领的克里米亚发生大规模停电的报道中,塞瓦斯托波尔的互联网连接也出现故障;俄罗斯地区领导层声称,此次事件是由于克里米亚能源分配网络紧急关闭造成的6 月 前
国际原子能机构@IAEAorg 总干事:鉴于形势严峻,我将亲自率领明天的@IAEAorg 代表团前往俄罗斯库尔斯克核电站6 月 前
国际原子能机构@IAEAorg 总干事:鉴于形势严峻,我将亲自率领明天的@IAEAorg 代表团前往俄罗斯库尔斯克核电站