Trump will reinstate today the “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, according to an American official
1 月 前乌克兰武装部队总参谋部证实无人机袭击了伏尔加格勒卢克石油炼油厂和阿斯特拉罕天然气工业股份公司天然气处理厂
该地区州长伊戈尔·巴布什金表示,阿斯特拉罕天然气处理厂在 2 月 3 日晚无人机袭击前暂停运营。"情况已得到控制。工作人员和附近村庄居民的生命和健康没有受到威胁。"
At least six people were injured after a fire broke out at the Martinez Refining Company Saturday afternoon. A shelter-in-place was issued for portions of Martinez by the Contra Costa Health Services. It has since been lifted
A fire broke out at Martinez Refining Co.’s facility in Contra Costa County on Saturday, injuring at least one worker and prompting a shelter-in-place alert for adjacent neighborhoods as black smoke spewed into the skies
1 月 前Large fire erupts at the Martinez refinery in Contra Costa County, California
据有关部门报道,1 月 29 日,西布尔-克斯托沃工厂发生无人机袭击,火灾已被扑灭
Indonesia aims to produce 900,000 barrels in 24 hours-1 mil barrels in 24 hours of oil by 2028-2029
1 月 前乌克兰武装部队总参谋部证实,无人机袭击了俄罗斯伏尔加格勒地区的卢克石油-伏尔加格勒炼油厂
1 月 前美国宇航局确认诺沃济布科夫附近在夜间无人机袭击后出现高温
1 月 前西布尔-克斯托沃化工厂夜间遭无人机袭击后,消防员正在工作
Transnistria welcomes the EU's intention to provide an emergency financial grant for short-term support amid the humanitarian and energy crisis
无人机袭击了特维尔州十月村的军事武器库(第 23 炮兵工厂)和叶罗希诺村的石油泵站
National Oil Corporation: Oil operations are continuing normally in all oil fields and ports. We have contacted the protesters who organized a protest this morning at the ports of Sidra and Ras Lanuf. We reassure all Libyans and local and international partners that production operations
Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ members have not yet responded to Trump's call to lower oil prices, Reuters reports. According to the agency, ministers of the cartel countries held a meeting. After it, they stated that OPEC does not plan to change the current plan, which involves increasing production from April. And the agenda of the cartel meeting scheduled for February 3 will not undergo changes.
1 月 前1 月 26 日,无人机袭击梁赞炼油厂,导致 AVT-4 石油处理装置受损
1 月 前乌克兰武装部队总参谋部证实,梁赞炼油厂再次遭遇无人机袭击
1 月 前Fire breaks out at Iraq’s Rumaila oilfield