5 天 前无人机袭击导致罗斯托夫州新沙赫京斯克炼油厂发生火灾
5 天 前据报道,无人机袭击导致罗斯托夫州乔特科沃镇的一座石油库起火
1 週 前乌克兰武装力量总参谋部声称对顿涅茨克州被占领地区的塞利多夫的温压弹药仓库和克拉斯诺达尔边疆区的伊尔斯基炼油厂进行了袭击
SANA: Tanker carrying diesel arrives in Baniyas:
1 週 前A nation-scale power outage has knocked out internet connectivity across much of Chile; network data show national connectivity at 25% of ordinary levels, with services including public transport affected by an energy transmission failure in Norte Chico
US Treasury: New Iran Sanctions Target Individuals Associated with Iranian Oil Ports Company
1 週 前昨晚,一架无人机袭击了图拉州乌兹洛瓦亚区布鲁相斯基村附近的一处石油库
2 月 20 日,据称无人机袭击后,Novovelichkovskaya 抽油站暂停运营
Media sources: Oil is exported via tankers from the fields of Hasakah to the refineries in Homs and Banias. The daily export rate is more than 5,000 barrels of crude oil. SDF reduce the amount of oil refining in the areas under their control. Oil extracted from the fields of Deir Ezzor and Hasakah.
Reuters: US administration asks Iraq to resume Kurdish oil exports quickly or face sanctions alongside Iran
Monterey County residents near Moss Landing were told late Tuesday to close their windows and doors overnight after a fire broke out at the Vistra Energy lithium-ion battery storage facility
2 週 前Large quantities of fuel arrive at the power plant in the center of the Gaza Strip
Saudi Foreign Minister Meets US Counterpart in Riyadh
2 週 前阿斯特拉:2 月 15 日,无人机袭击了化工企业 AO Kaustik 和卢克石油-伏尔加格勒炼油厂
2 週 前无人机袭击导致克拉斯诺达尔边疆区克鲁泡特金斯卡亚抽油站瘫痪
The Kurdistan Region's oil exports could resume before March as "all legal procedures have been completed" - KRG natural resources minister tells Rudaw
2 週 前无人机袭击了克拉斯诺达尔边疆区的伊尔斯基炼油厂。据当地州长称,有一人受伤