29 Rêbendan 2025
Cuba: 14:48 hours. Strong winds caused by the intense Hurricane Rafael, cause the disconnection of the National Electric System. Contingency Protocols are applied
2 month ago
Deputy Prime Minister of Russia for Fuel Energy Complex confirmed Russia's achievement of production level of 9 million bpd, in line with OPEC+ commitments
An explosion occurred at the TÜRPAŞ refinery in İzmit
Li Svetlograd a herêma Stavropolê bi drone êrîşî depoya petrolê kir û şewat derket2 month ago
Li Svetlograd a herêma Stavropolê bi drone êrîşî depoya petrolê kir û şewat derket
3 month ago
Piştî teqînê li Kharkivê qismî reşbûn hat ragihandin
3 month ago
Kremlînê raporek red kir ku dibêje Rûsya û Ukrayna di qonaxên destpêkê yên danûstandinan de ne derbarê rawestandina êrîşên esmanî yên li ser tesîsên enerjiyê yên hev.
Waliyê herêma Tambovê ragihand ku li navçeya Michurinsk di encama êrîşa dronê de şewat derket, bi tevahî 11 dron hatin tomarkirin.
3 month ago
Rayedarên Herêma Ryazanê nûçeyên derbarê şewata parzûngeha petrolê derew bi nav dikin
Israel reportedly didn't attack nuclear or energy facilities, just military sites
Columns of smoke rise from oil facilities near the town of Tirbe Spiyeh (al-Qahtaniya) in the eastern countryside of Qamishli in NE_Syria due to Turkish airstrikes3 month ago
Columns of smoke rise from oil facilities near the town of Tirbe Spiyeh (al-Qahtaniya) in the eastern countryside of Qamishli in NE_Syria due to Turkish airstrikes
3 month ago
A Chinese coast guard vessel was driven out of Indonesia's waters for a second time this week after it initially disrupted a survey by state energy firm Pertamina in the South China Sea, Bakamla said Thursday
3 month ago
Enerhodar: Li bajêr ji ber êrîşên dronê 1 kes hat kuştin û şewat derket - Li gorî rayedarên
A few minutes ago another disconnection of the Electrical System, SEN, occurred. The restoration work began immediately.
3 month ago
Pêkanîna elektrîkê ya malên li Taxa Primorsky ya St. Piştî ku danê sibehê dronek li bajêr hat xistin, şewat derket.
3 month ago
Cuba: Following the unexpected failure at the Antonio Guiteras CTE, at 11 a.m. today the total disconnection of the National Electricity System took place. The Electric Union is working on its restoration.
Iran's atomic organisation spokesman says attacks on nuclear facilities are unlikely and if they occur, they won't succeed. He said, "We've always taken threats seriously. We've made predictions to minimize potential damage. We've informed IAEA to fulfill its obligations in this regard."
3 month ago
Bi tevahî reşbûna li Khersonê
Fire in Shushtar Petro Refinery Governor of Shushtar: A few minutes ago, one of the fuel tanks in Shushtar Petro Refinery caught fire. The fire and rescue forces are trying to control the fire.3 month ago
Fire in Shushtar Petro Refinery Governor of Shushtar: A few minutes ago, one of the fuel tanks in Shushtar Petro Refinery caught fire. The fire and rescue forces are trying to control the fire.
The moment Russian aircraft carried out airstrikes targeting the Al-Kilani power station in the Ain Al-Zarqa area in the Darkoush countryside, west of Idlib, which resulted in civilian injuries, in addition to carrying out other raids on the outskirts of the city of Jisr Al-Shughour.3 month ago
The moment Russian aircraft carried out airstrikes targeting the Al-Kilani power station in the Ain Al-Zarqa area in the Darkoush countryside, west of Idlib, which resulted in civilian injuries, in addition to carrying out other raids on the outskirts of the city of Jisr Al-Shughour.
The Salvation Government in Idlib announces that Al-Jilani power station is out of service due to Russian airstrikes
Iraqi Foreign Minister: War will lead to energy crisis
Serfermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Çekdar ên Ukraynayê êrîşa li ser depoya petrolê ya li Rovenkî ya herêma Luhanskê piştrast kir3 month ago
Serfermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Çekdar ên Ukraynayê êrîşa li ser depoya petrolê ya li Rovenkî ya herêma Luhanskê piştrast kir
Wezareta Xezîneyê ya Amerîkayê: Toleyên nû yên li dijî Îranê 16 sazî, 23 keştî dikin hedef
Two dead in chemical release at Pemex refinery in Texas. Up to 35 people at the refinery were treated at the plant or taken to area hospitals for exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas, which can be deadly, county emergency officials said.3 month ago
Two dead in chemical release at Pemex refinery in Texas. Up to 35 people at the refinery were treated at the plant or taken to area hospitals for exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas, which can be deadly, county emergency officials said.
3 month ago
At least two people are dead and 35 others were treated after a chemical release at an industrial plant in Deer Park. Residents were told to shelter in place, but that order has since been lifted.
Gazprom: Memorandumek li ser zêdekirina gaza Rûsyayê ya ji bo Macaristanê hat îmzekirin
Hîn wêneyên @Planet ji depoya neftê ya li bendera Feodosia piştî êrîşa Ukraynayê (îro, 8ê Cotmehê, demjimêr 14:57 bi dema herêmî hatine girtin)3 month ago
Hîn wêneyên @Planet ji depoya neftê ya li bendera Feodosia piştî êrîşa Ukraynayê (îro, 8ê Cotmehê, demjimêr 14:57 bi dema herêmî hatine girtin)
Strong power outage recorded in Greater Caracas and main regions of Venezuela 8Oct
Li depoya petrolê ya Feodosiyayê depoyeke din a sotemeniyê teqiya3 month ago
Li depoya petrolê ya Feodosiyayê depoyeke din a sotemeniyê teqiya
3 month ago
Kazakhstan: daily oil production said to be down 60% due to maintenance at Kashagan oil field