1 year ago RBC Capital Partners alerted readers that Rosatom has been forced into the spot market. “Russian involvement has piqued our interest in particular, as Russia has historically been seen as self-sufficient.”
1 year ago Servîsa Ewlekarî ya Ukraynayê soza bersiveke tund li dijî sîstemên elektrîkê yên Rûsî dide, eger di zivistanê de li dijî sîstema elektrîkê ya Ukraynayê êrîş pêk werin
AFP: Duyemîn keştiya bi genimê Ukraynayê barkirî piştî bidawîhatina Peymana Genimê Derya Reş gihîşt Stenbolê.
Hikûmeta Rûsyayê li ser hinardekirina benzîn û mazotê qedexe kir
Li hin navçeyên Kyivê qismî reşbûn. Trên dereng ketin
Depoya neftê ya li Soçiyê bi dronê êrîş kirin
Li nêzî balafirgeha Soçî şewat derket. Servîsa lezgîn li cihê bûyerê ne. Li herêma Adlerê li nêzî depoyeke petrolê û balafirgehekê şewat derket
Li Yakutskê reşbûn hat ragihandin
Iran's IRGC has seized two foreign oil tankers, flying the flags of Panama and Tanzania, accusing them of smuggling over 1.5 million liters of fuel in the Persian Gulf
Turkey and China nearing a nuclear power plant deal. Turkish energy minister says a deal to build a nuclear power plant in eastern Thrace is possible in months as no major issues remain in the negotiations
Fall of 765 Kv line in Guayana would have unleashed the chaos of mega electrical fluctuations in Venezuela
Hat ragihandin ku li nêzî Saratovê piştî daketina lûleya gazê ya sereke şewat derket
The authorities of Kazakhstan and Turkey intend to intensify the use of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) and increase the supply of goods using it, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu following negotiations in Astana with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan
The World Food Program warns that funding cuts could push more than 24 million people to the brink of hunger
Kêmasiya mazotê li herêmên Tula û Lipetsk
Indian Foreign Ministry: India and Saudi Arabia have raised the level of partnership in the field of hydrocarbon energy to a comprehensive partnership
Krîza sotemeniyê li Krasnodar Krai ya Rûsyayê - mazotê hema hema li stasyonên sotemeniyê peyda nabe
.@TheJusticeDept announced Friday the successful disruption of a multimillion-dollar shipment of crude oil by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that was bound for another country, after seizure of over 980,000 barrels of crude oil carried by Suez Rajan
Li navçeya Tixvîn a herêma Lênîngradê lûleya gazê kêm bû
Pûtîn: Yekemîn yekîneya santrala nukleerî ya Akkuyu ya li Tirkiyeyê tê plankirin ku sala bê were destpêkirin, di vî warî de hêviyên pêşxistina hevkariyê di navbera welatan de hene.
Servîsa ewlehiyê ya Rûsyayê li herêma Kalugayê li xeta elektrîkê teqemeniyên c4 dîtin
Li gorî rayedarên herêmî, piştî ku berevaniya hewayî drona gumanbar xist xwarê, agir li avahiya terikandî ya li Kurchatov ket.
Li depoya petrolê ya Ruçî ya St.Petersburgê şewatek mezin
Strong electrical drop is recorded in the central region of Venezuela and the capital Caracas
An emergency power outage occurred in Krasnodar in the Western District. The cause was damage to power lines and 6 transformers
1 year ago St. John Parish President Jaclyn Hoard has issued an Emergency Declaration and a Mandatory Evacuation for all residents within a two-mile radius of the Marathon Petroleum Garyville Refinery.
State Police gave an update on a fire at a Marathon refinery in Garyville. Residents in a two-mile radius are now being made to evacuate
1 year ago Massive fire burning at the Marathon Plant in Garyville. Marathon Petroleum personnel and local emergency responders are currently responding to a naphtha release and fire at a storage tank at the company's Louisiana, refinery
1 year ago Another view of the fire at the Marathon Refinery in Garyville
1 year ago Video from the Marathon Petroleum refinery in Garyville showing a massive fire where there is reported to be a chemical leak. Fox 8 is sending crews to the location.