1 year ago Xwepêşanderên Polonî yên ku sînor asteng dikin, destûr nadin ku alîkariyên mirovî û sotemenî derbasî Ukraynayê bibin
German Chancellor: Berlin needs large quantities of hydrogen to achieve "carbon neutrality"
Deriyê Sînor ê Şehînî-Medykayê ji ber bê elektrîkê li nuqteya Medyka xebitî
Standard & Poor's: Egypt may suffer from a shortage of gas supplies due to the effects of the war
Standard & Poor's: "The Gaza war hinders Israel's gas exports to Egypt and Jordan."
Yekîneya 3yemîn ya Santrala Nukleerî ya Kurskê torê qut kir
Chevron announces the resumption of supplying customers with gas from the Israeli Tamar field
1 year ago Li Qirimê ji ber hewaya zuwa av li embarên avê yên Taihan û Bilohirskeyê kêm dibe
Director of Hospitals in Gaza: The fuel consumption energy in hospitals has become in serious danger
Bi şev bi balafirên bê mirov êrîş li parzûngeha Kremenchuk hat kirin
Qismî reşbûn li yek ji navçeyên Kyivê
Spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza: Generators will stop in Al-Shifa and Indonesian hospitals on Wednesday
Li herêma Donetskê ji ber topbarana santralê 3 kanên komirê enerjiya xwe winda kirin
Blackout in Astana after failure in power grid
Li parzûngeha Afipsky ya li herêma Krasnodar a Rûsyayê teqîneke mezin pêk hat
European Union official: The European Commission held an extraordinary meeting today to assess the risks to oil supplies resulting from the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Li santrala TEC-16 a li Moskowayê şewat hat vemirandin
Di encama êrîşa bi şev a Rûsyayê de, ji ber xetên elektrîkê zirara qismî şewitî li bajarokên Netîşyn û Slavuta yên herêma Khmelnitsky.
1 year ago First picture of the damaged balticconector pipeline. Source Finnish border guard. Drag westwards pipeline multiple meters wide
Finnish police: object found near broken Baltic Sea pipeline has been identified as an anchor
Serokê Lijneya Birêvebir a Lukoilê Vladîmîr Nekrasov ji ber "kêmasiya dil" jiyana xwe ji dest da.
Three convoys of aid to Gaza not sufficient, "want to see sustained traffic," @StateDeptSpox says. Discussing potential for fuel deliveries with Israeli authorities
Li navçeya Beryslav a herêma Xersonê ji ber topbarana Rûsyayê xetên elektrîkê xera bûn, şewat derket
Prime Minister of Iraq: The Gaza conflict may spread regionally and threaten energy supplies
A complete power outage at Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip
Li herêma Kurskê li gundê Belitsayê 2 teqemenî hatin dîtin
Swedish civil defence minister says have received information that a telecoms cable between Estonia and Sweden has been damaged; the damage occured at a similar time to the damage to the pipeline between Finland and Estonia
Li Khersonê ji ber xebatên tamîrkirinê yên li xetên elektrîkê piştî topbarana Rûsyayê qismî reşbûn
CNN: 6 UN fuel trucks crossed into Gaza through the Rafah crossing
The Washington Post: Maduro and opposition will sign tomorrow an agreement to lift sanctions in exchange for electoral conditions after an agreement with the US
Renewable Energy, Fossils and other energy news on live map
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