1 year ago Reuters: Finland’s Gasgrid & Estonia’s Elering state survey work will begin soon after sudden drop in pressure of Balticconnector natural gas pipeline spanning Gulf of Finland yesterday, suggesting a leak. Elering affirms that no cause “including sabotage” can be ruled out for the time being
Israel has ordered Chevron to shut down natural-gas production at one of the two major offshore platforms it operates in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea amid the conflict that has left hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza
Energy Minister Katz: I ordered to immediately cut off the water supply from Israel to Gaza
RSF Paramilitary forces battling the army in Sudan on Friday seized a strategic oil pumping station east of the capital Khartoum, witnesses said
1 year ago Confirmed: Metrics show a decline in internet connectivity in the Tel Aviv district, Israel, as Palestine's Hamas launches 'unprecedented' attack on the territory which it considers to be occupied; missiles have targeted sites including Rutenberg power station in Ashkelon
Putin, together with Tokayev and Mirziyoyev, is participating in the opening of the transit of Russian gas to Uzbekistan through the territory of Kazakhstan
1 year ago Israel's second largest power plant, Rutenberg Power Station, came under rocket fire on the Mediterranean coast in Ashkelon
Piştî hevdîtina bi Wezîrê Enerjiyê yê Rûsyayê Novak re, ji şîrketên sotemeniyê tê şîretkirin ku buhayên li stasyona petrolê di asta 21ê Îlonê de bihêlin.
1 year ago WTI settled near $82/bbl, dropped 13.5% in only 6 trading days. That followed a plunge in gasoline futures after data showed stockpiles swelled in US
Power outage in the city of Idlib as a result of the government's bombing of the main station west of the city
Turkish Minister of Energy: The Iraq-Turkey pipeline will operate as of Wednesday without obstacles to shipping oil to the markets
In Syktyvkar, unknown persons tried to set fire to a building belonging to the local airport. It contains a transformer substation, radio beacon control units and an electrical panel
Li Rylsk a herêma Kurskê avahiya rêveberiyê hedef girt, li Glushkovoo û Sudzha jî bi droneyan êrîşî binstasyonê kirin.
Kuwait Oil Minister told the official news agency: Oil markets are moving in the right direction by achieving a balance between supply and demand
India energy minister: oil prices need to go down
1 year ago Iran's Interior Minister says the country’s current non-oil exports exceed $50 billion
Pûtîn di civîna hikûmetê de dibêje, tevî hewldanan nirxê sotemeniyê her diçe zêde dibe, ji ber vê yekê divê pêşî benzînê ji bo bazara navxweyî were şandin, piştre were hinardekirin.
The Russian government proposes to introduce a protective duty on the export of petroleum products in the amount of 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles per ton - minister Novak
1 year ago RBC Capital Partners alerted readers that Rosatom has been forced into the spot market. “Russian involvement has piqued our interest in particular, as Russia has historically been seen as self-sufficient.”
1 year ago Servîsa Ewlekarî ya Ukraynayê soza bersiveke tund li dijî sîstemên elektrîkê yên Rûsî dide, eger di zivistanê de li dijî sîstema elektrîkê ya Ukraynayê êrîş pêk werin
AFP: Duyemîn keştiya bi genimê Ukraynayê barkirî piştî bidawîhatina Peymana Genimê Derya Reş gihîşt Stenbolê.
Hikûmeta Rûsyayê li ser hinardekirina benzîn û mazotê qedexe kir
Li hin navçeyên Kyivê qismî reşbûn. Trên dereng ketin
Depoya neftê ya li Soçiyê bi dronê êrîş kirin
Li nêzî balafirgeha Soçî şewat derket. Servîsa lezgîn li cihê bûyerê ne. Li herêma Adlerê li nêzî depoyeke petrolê û balafirgehekê şewat derket
Li Yakutskê reşbûn hat ragihandin
Iran's IRGC has seized two foreign oil tankers, flying the flags of Panama and Tanzania, accusing them of smuggling over 1.5 million liters of fuel in the Persian Gulf
Turkey and China nearing a nuclear power plant deal. Turkish energy minister says a deal to build a nuclear power plant in eastern Thrace is possible in months as no major issues remain in the negotiations
Fall of 765 Kv line in Guayana would have unleashed the chaos of mega electrical fluctuations in Venezuela