Li taxên Holosiyivskyi û Shevchenkovskyi yên Kyivê 3 binstasyonên trafoyên DTEKê hatin rûxandin an jî zirar dîtin. Her wiha torên ceyranê jî xisar dîtin
Waliyê herêma Rostovê Golûbev biryara sînordarkirina qismî dabînkirina elektrîkê ji bo pargîdaniyan ragihand; îdîa dike ku sînorkirin dê bandorê li karê wan neke
Veguhestina giştî ya bi elektrîkê ji ber sedemên teknîkî li Odesayê kar rawestand
Amtrak suspends service between New York City and Boston due to power outage
Blackout in Yerevan after fire at hydropower station in Razdan gorge
6 month ago Li Xasavyurt a Dagestanê di binstasyonê de şewat derket
Rêjeya elektrîkê li herêma Rostov hate destpêkirin
6 month ago Piştî êrîşa dronê ya li gundê Pavlovskaya ya Krasnodar Krai
The Saudi Minister of Energy announces new discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter
NATO representatives have expressed concern over Russia's actions in the NorthSea over the potential mining of critical Western infrastructure. Russian ships reportedly performed as many as a thousand suspicious manoeuvres
Li Belgorodê şewat û qutbûna avê hat ragihandin
Residents of the Belgorod region are complaining about massive power outages. There is no electricity throughout the entire region: in Belgorod and its suburbs, in the Belgorod, Valuysky, Shebekinsky districts, the city of Stary Oskol and other settlements, local Telegram channels write. The channels, citing power engineers, report that there will be no electricity until 13:00 Moscow time. The cause of the accident is not specified.
The US sanctioned three entities and eleven vessels for trading oil and petrochemical products with Iran
Gazpromê bi Îranê re li ser gaza Rûsyayê peymanek îmze kir. Gazproma Rûsî bi Şîrketa Neteweyî ya Gazê ya Îranê (NIGC) re li ser şandina gaza Rûsyayê ya ji bo Îranê re peymanek îmze kir.
Egyptian Prime Minister: We have a fuel procurement crisis, not an energy generation crisis
British Manchester Airport suspends flights due to the disruption caused by the power outage
Rêveberiya bajarê Kîevê agahiyên derbarê teqîna li santrala elektrîkê ya li paytextê derewand. Wan destnîşan kir ku hemî santralên termîkî yên Kyiv bi asayî dixebitin
Network data show major disruptions to internet connectivity in Montenegro corresponding to power outages also impacting neighbouring countries amidst a regional heatwave; the incident is caused by a fire on a power line per initial reports
Piştî topbaranê li Xersonê şewat derket
Yekîtiya Ewropî toleyên xwe yên yekem li ser gaza Rûsyayê pejirand
7 month ago Balafirên bêmirov êrîşî depoya petrolê ya Platonovskaya ya li herêma Tambovê kirin
Amûrên tesîsên elektrîkê yên li herêmên Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk û Kyivê ji ber êrîşên Rûsyayê yên bi şev zirar dîtin. Encam têne zelal kirin, operatorê hêzê Ukrenergo ragihand
7 month ago Around 7:00 p.m., the Quito Metropolitan Metro Company confirmed that the transportation system is now operating normally
Li parzûngeha Afipsky di encama êrîşa bi drone de şewat derket
Luque explained that the energy crisis is mainly due to the lack of investment in maintenance, new generation and transmission.
7 month ago The press conference called by the Government, where the power outages on a national scale will be announced
An armed opposition group in Niger claims an attack on a Chinese-run pipeline
7 month ago Li bajarê Azov ê herêma Rostovê di encama êrîşa bi drone de depoya petrolê şewitî
7 month ago Pirsgirêkên dabînkirina elektrîkê li herêma Rostovê piştî 3 teqînan li binstasyona herêmî
Six people, including three children, were trapped on a Ferris wheel in Neftekamsk (Bashkiria) as a result of power blackout in the city, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports. According to the department, the interruption of electricity supply to consumers occurred due to a lightning strike at the Karmanovskaya State District Power Plant.