Hat ragihandin ku li binstasyona santrala TEC 23 a Moskowê şewat derket
The Biden administration will restore sanctions on Venezuela’s energy sector in April if the country upholds its ban on Maria Corina Machado from running for president, two US officials said
1 year ago Blackout reported in Chelyabinsk suburbs
1 year ago Wêneyê drona ku li rafîneriya Yaroslavl ket
Marshall Islands-flagged tanker MARLIN LUANDA reportedly on fire and requiring assistance after a Houthi missile strike. Reporting indicates the tanker is chartered to Trafigura and carrying highly-flammable naphtha
Dana Gas: Suspension of production at the Khor Mor facility in Iraqi Kurdistan after a liquids tank was bombed by a drone
Yek ji du kabloyên enerjiyê yên pergala EstLink 2 ku Estonya bi Fînlandiyayê ve girêdide têk çû. Ev ji hêla televîzyon û radyoya dewletê ya Estonya ERR ve hate ragihandin.
Reuters, li ser zarê çavkaniyekî Ukraynî: Ukrayna dê berdewam be li ser êrîşên xwe li ser navendên ku sotemeniyê ji artêşa Rûsyayê re peyda dikin
1 year ago Li navçeya Tuapse ya herêma Krasnodar a Rûsyayê li parzûngeha Rûsyayê şewat derket
Kremlin piştî ku termînalek Novatek hedef girt, bêtir tedbîrên berevaniyê yên pêşîlêgir soz dide
1 year ago Pêvajoyên teknolojîk ên termînalê Novatek-Ust-Luga piştî agir sekinîn
1 year ago Şewata li termînala port Ust-Luga piştî du teqînan dest pê kir - serokê navçeya Kingisepp
Hat ragihandin ku li Ryazanê li parzûngeha Ryazanê şewat derket
Today in Stary Oskol there was a short circuit at the electrical substation in the locomotive depot
Li Simferopol, Sevastopol, Feodosiya, Dzhankoi, Saky li Kirima dagirkirî şewat derket.
Iranian Foreign Minister: The sanctions on Iran are unilateral and illegal. We have the right to export oil and we will continue to defend our rights
Guterres: The gradual phase-out of fossil fuels is necessary and inevitable
Reuters: Aramco CEO says it is possible to deal with attacks in the Red Sea in the short term
Wall Street Journal: Shell believes that the risks in the Red Sea threaten the safety of ships
1 year ago Li Pavlohrad û Kryvyi Rih yên herêma Dnipropetrovskê ji ber şert û mercên hewayê şewat derket.
Reports, monitoring centers and energy experts: Tankers loaded with Kuwaiti oil changed their course to avoid entering Bab al-Mandab due to Red Sea tensions.
Çêkirina benzîna bi oktana bilind li Rûsyayê piştî têkçûna kombûna li parzûngeha Lukoil (Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez NORSI) daket.
Bloomberg: A Qatari liquefied gas tanker stopped in the Red Sea and another in the Mediterranean
Bloomberg: 3 liquefied gas tankers belonging to Qatar stopped off the coast of Oman
Bloomberg: Navigation data confirms that Qatar stopped 5 liquefied gas tankers due to tensions in the Red Sea
Li Novomoskovsk a herêma Tûlayê ji ber qezaya santrala elektrîkê ya heremî dabînkirina germê qut bû
Operatorê tora elektrîkê ya Rûsî Rosseti, li herêma Rostovê plansaziya qutbûnê ferz kir
Li gelek navçeyên Rostov-on-Don û Bataisk şewat derket
Houthi’s have reportedly struck a “dark fleet” (AIS turned off) Russian tanker earlier today, Aframax Khalissa
US State Department: Blinken welcomed increased cooperation with India to defend freedom of navigation in the region